Star Class News/History Tags

Entries tagged with: C. Stanley Ogilvy

History of the North American Championship

First NA Championship for Stars Sailed in 1939 By C. STANLEY OGILVY, from the 1960 N.A. program notes MYC hosts the 1960  North American Championships By NORMAN E. WRIGHT, Sports Editor, from the 1960 N.A. program notes A History of the North American S...
c. stanley ogilvy david bolles history north american championship

History of the Star Class by by C. Stanley Ogilvy, January 1986 Starlights

HISTORY OF THE STAR CLASS by C. Stanley Ogilvy (January 1986 Starlights) Dozens, probably hundreds, of classes of racing sailboats have come into existence, lasted a few years, and then dropped out of the yacht racing picture during the past three quarters of a century. How does it happen that one...
c. stanley ogilvy history